Who is OSSD?

The Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD) was founded in 2006 by member scientists and staff of the Society for Women's Health Research (SWHR). From 2006-2012, OSSD operated as a program of the SWHR, and in 2012 became an independent non-profit educational organization. The OSSD gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the SWHR in the creation, staffing, and funding of OSSD in its early years and recognizes the integral leadership role of SWHR in promoting the study of sex differences and advocating for sex difference research since 1990. Learn more on the history of OSSD.

Our Goals and Objectives 

  • To facilitate interdisciplinary research on sex/gender differences at all levels of biological organization;
  • To advance the understanding of sex/gender differences by bringing together scientists and clinicians of diverse backgrounds;
  • To encourage the application of new knowledge of sex/gender differences to improve health and health care; and
  • To promote the field of sex/gender differences research through education, mentoring, and outreach.

In order to facilitate the exchange of information about sex differences among researchers, OSSD holds a multidisciplinary annual meeting and has an official journal, Biology of Sex Differences.

OSSD membership is open to individuals working in the life and health sciences who have demonstrated an interest in the study of sex/gender differences.